Back and Better Than Ever

What’s good world. I know it has been quite some time since you’ve heard from me. I been a busy man and haven’t had the time and sit down and give you the quality work that I felt you or myself would be happy with. With that I’m going to do my best to give my thoughts weekly or when I see fit, but enough of that let’s get into it.

I recently had the great opportunity to work the Final Four here in Houston. While I was little upset the Duke Blue Devils didn’t make it, I still had a lot of fun and met some great people during my 3 days of work at Reliant Stadium. The atmosphere surrounding the Final Four is crazy…I could just imagine what it would be like to be at the Super Bowl if that is what that event was like. While the action that was back stage was exciting…I can’t say the same for the action on the court. UCONN was eventually crowned the champions of the tournament to cap a run of 14 straight wins. The shooting performance of both teams were horrific and sparked a lot of debate of whether the current tournament structure was the best way of crowning a champion. The simple answer to that question is YES!!! For three weeks college basketball captivates a nation and has home makers across the nation checking their brackets and turning the Shaka Smarts of the world into household names. It doesn’t get any better than that. I mean it’s a great excuse to miss two days of work…Lol. But seriously the March Madness is special. Even the expansion of 68 teams couldn’t create a problem…hell it gave us VCU. It just comes a time when we all should just leave well enough alone and appreciate what we have.

Drayton McLane has caused more harm to the city of Houston than Hurricane Ike ever could. The Astros are a Triple A ball club and this man has the nerve to raise tickets prices. From the Texans, the Rockets and now the Stros it has been sad stretch for Houston sports fan like myself. There are reports the Astros have found a buyer and the team will be sold soon to this Crane guy…this is my plea to commissioner Selig to speed up the process on dotting i’s and crossing the t’s to approve the sell of the Astros…WE SUCK…This team is F’n Depressing (Johnny Tapia voice).

I refuse to discuss the NFL Lockout because this is America and with our economy where it is right now there would be a lot dumb smart people in big money positions if they let this lockout carry on into the start of the season. There is way too much money to be made. And for what it’s worth I don’t want to see no 18 game season.

As many of you know we recently relieved our football coach of his duties at Texas Southern. All I will say is this…when you stop giving a damn about the “student” in “student-athlete” it’s time for you to go.

A few quick hitters…$100k Kobe had to pay should have come out of the game producer’s and camera man check…guys are going to say stuff in the heat of competition…I’m going with the Heat to win the NBA Finals solely because I’m a LeBron fan.

Thoughts for the Road: Gossip Girl comes back on tomorrow night…Can’t wait to see the Blair/Dan fallout…Shout out to the TSU Softball team for winning the SWAC Western Division for the second year in a row…I’m addicted to the Cordon Bleu sandwich at Subway…If you’re in the 3rd Ward area…hit up Ray’s BBQ of McGregor and Calhoun…Had a really good time at the Weezy Concert last night with Ms. Rita…Nikki booty is so big…I owe you for that one Big Meech.

Deuce Woods

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Twas The Night Before Christmas

Happy Holidays to all…I know it has been awhile and my apologies for that. I’m not going say this time that I will be back to my old self just that when something happens or when I feel like I want to express my thoughts I will share them with you. As is the case today with a few things that have happened over the past couple of days. So grab yourself a cup of coffee, hot tea or maybe even some hot cocoa with the lil marshmallow in it and sit and enjoy.

I would first like to say how disgusted it made me to see two student-athletes from Mississippi State turn a college basketball tournament into a Pay Per View Boxing match. Renardo Sidney and Elgin Bailey, both members of the Men’s Basketball program at Mississippi State had an altercation after the team’s game in Hawaii. The events were caught on tape by ESPNs cameras and have gone viral. In case you have been unable to see the fight check here to see the footage Yes, I must admit the most disheartening aspect of this whole fiasco is that it involves two African-American athletes. Now don’t get me wrong, had these players been white, brown, yellow, Puerto Rican or Haitian I still would have found it very disturbing, but with them being black it just looks so bad upon us and gives ammunition to those that think this is how all young blacks males act and carry themselves, which is certainly not the case. And to add even more to the story is that Sidney had just been suspended from the team for another incident that happened off the camera a couple of days earlier. Here is a young man with all of the talent in the world, yet can’t seem to keep himself away from controversy. A McDonald’s All-American out of high school and super star recruit. He was ineligible to play his entire freshman season due to he and his family receiving impermissible benefits to pay for expense stemming from his move from Mississippi to California during his high school tenure. One would think after having to go through all of that he would be focused on nothing but basketball and working on letting people know him as a basketball player again and not another what could’ve been story. MSU suspended both players indefinitely this evening…While I agree with the punishment…Sidney would have to do a whole hell of a lot before he every put on a jersey bearing the name Mississippi State if I had anything to with it. His actions and conduct were inexcusable and should not be tolerated at the collegiate level or any other level for that matter.

On to the Ohio State Buckeyes situation. I sure hope Terelle Pryor doesn’t decide to enter the NFL draft after this because he’s far from ready to be an NFL player both physically and mentally. He and his teammates proved that with their decisions to sell jerseys, awards and other memorabilia in exchange for tattoos and money. Who sells their championship rings???….those are something you keep and wear to show off with pride…something you can show your kids and grandchildren that you were apart of something special. As far as the punishment handed down by the NCAA goes I think its crap…I don’t believe the players should be allowed to play in the upcoming Sugar Bowl. For them to say the student-athletes weren’t educated properly is bullshhh….Former Ohio State quarterback Troy Smith was suspended from a bowl during his time at the university for receiving impermissible benefits…You don’t think the Compliance officers at the institution have been educating the players on what could happen since then if they did such a thing??…I think not. However, I also think the suspension of 5 games for next season is too many games. It goes back to the statement of why they’re letting the players play in the Sugar Bowl…they didn’t do anything to gain a competitive advantage on the field. So having the student-athletes not only sit out the before mentioned amount games, but to also make them payback the money as well…c’mon man. You’re now putting Ohio State at a competitive disadvantage. They should have them payback the money and sit out possibly the first two games of the season similar to the punishment of Troy Smith. But hey it’s the NCAA they can do whatever they want…like make Cam Newton miraculously eligible in less than 24 hours…yes, I’m still a little bitter about that my Frogs could be playing for the Chip.

A few quick hitters…Michael Vick is MVP of the National Football League…The bowl games so far have been teeeaaarrribblle (Charles Barkley voice)…I think the Heat will beat the Lakers on Christmas Day…My Texans are once again not making the playoffs and it hurts the hell out of me…The Duke Blue Devils will still go undefeated without Kyrie Irving…Geno Auriemma is a douchebag and you call tell him I said that…Sure hope Diana Taursi isn’t another Marion Jones, wouldn’t be a good look for women’s sports…Mike Shanahan has lost his damn mind…Rex Grossman over Donovan McNabb…Really?

Thoughts for the Road: My first semester working in college athletics has been great…I work with two great people who teach me a lot and are a lot of fun to work with…Its a challenge not in this world comes easy…This Christmas holidays have been a blast so far…I’m surrounded by great friends and family…shoutout to KT, Becky, ET, Dub, Luxe, L Boogie, ChuThug, Big Ced, Herb T, Kari, TL, T, Krys, J Real, Robinsons and all my other friends I’ve kicked it with over the break…It’s not over with yet so lets keep the random fun going…and I want to send my prayers out to ABs mom and hope she’s able to make it out the hospital to be home for the holiday.

Merry Christmas!!

Deuce Woods

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Leave No Doubt

Not even going to waste anytime with the NFL this week because the Texans have left me frustrated with that brand of football, while the guys in purple and white have me excited about the possibilities of the season…so I’m going to get right into that.

The big game of the week were the #3 TCU Horned Frogs going on the road to face the #5 Utah Utes. Utah came into the game with a 21 home game winning streak and both teams were playing for a spot in the national championship game. Well, the Frogs left no doubt the better teams of the two were and quite possibly who the best team in the nation is. TCU jumped out to an early 20-0 lead in the first quarter and never looked back. The Utes offense, which came into the game ranked number 3 in country were unable to cross the 50 yard line until midway through the 4th quarter. TCU’s #1 ranked defense continued its dominant ways, creating limited opportunities for Utah to move the ball on offense. With the win the Frogs moved to 10-0 on the season and in the humble opinion of this alum stated their case as the most complete team in the nation.

Now I did not say that TCU was the best team in the nation, that will be determined January 10, 2011 in Glendale, Arizona. However, I do believe the Frogs have done enough to show that if the opportunity presents itself TCU has earned a right to be in that game. Yet, there are those that continue to find ways to find ways to keep TCU out of the championship game. They bring up last year’s Fiesta Bowl loss to Boise St, they talk about the schedule and now they say Utah wasn’t as good as they were made out to be. Seriously? Is that hard for to believe that the best team may be playing outside of the big conferences. I’ll be the first to say if Oregon and Auburn win the rest of the games on their schedules they deserve to play for the title and that should be the end of discussion. However, if one of those team were to lose don’t look for a one-loss AQ school to replace them in the title game just because based off perception it seems like the right thing to do. I just say put on the film and watch it and tell me TCU isn’t the most complete team in the country, I honestly don’t think you can.

My Top 5 1) Oregon 2) Auburn 3) TCU 4) Boise St. 5) Stanford…Heisman 1) Scam..I’m sorry I mean Cam Newton 2) TCU Defense 3) LaMichael James 4) Andrew Luck 5) Kellen Moore…Best Unis…Oregon Ducks All Black Ninja look

Thoughts for the Road: I’m excited for this Thursday night…The Texas Southern Tigers face off against the Grambling St. Tigers for a spot in the SWAC Championship game…Burgers for the Boys Burgers for the Boys…Yo have y’all been watching Private Practice…getting good…And what’s with all the fuss with the new Tyler Perry movie “For Colored Girls”…If you’ve seen one Tyler Perry movie you’ve seem them all…Plus looking at the title…daggum colored girls always wanting something.

Deuce Woods

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That Didn’t Last Long

When I heard the news that the Vikings had waived Randy Moss, I have to admit I thought it was a joke, but then when I found out it was the truth I said that has to be a mistake…they must’ve added the 8 to that 4 on accident because that is who the Vikings should be getting rid off. If what has happen with Brett Favre this season would have occurred to any other player in the NFL they would no longer be employed by an NFL team. Yes, Moss made some post games comments yesterday where he pretty much flipped the bird at the media and the NFL policy, but at least Moss isn’t sexting Vikings front office personnel. Plain and simple Favre needs to go back to his farm in Mississippi and sit his ass down. If yesterday’s shot of him riding off on the cart didn’t sum it up I don’t know what does. As far as Moss goes, I believe this is an over reaction by someone in the Vikings front office and Moss will be back with the team by next week if not this week.

A couple of weeks back there was a big uproar around the NFL about the violent hitting taking place in the game and how fines and suspension would start to be assesed…gimmie a break. This is football. While I do think there is no place in the game for the hit that New England Patriots Safety, Brandon Merriweather, placed on Todd Heap, I believe hard hits are a part of the game. The hits that need to be monitored is when players leave their feet and lead with the top of their helmets and not the screws of their helmet. Not only does that put the player that is being hit in danger it also putting the hitter in serious danger of causing immobilizing injury. So while I do think precautions do need to be put in place on hitting, I think what the NFL is talking about is too drastic.

What the heck is going on down on the 40 Acres. My preseason pick of the Texas Longhorns playing for the National Championship looks real bad right now. I give a lot of credit to Baylor for going on the road and getting that win, but will somebody please tell me why Curtis Brown is still returning punts for the Horns. There has to be serious doubt about whether or not the Horns will make a bowl game. Frogs are #3 in the latest BCS (Oh Yeah DJ Pauly D voice) and with the upcoming game this weekend with current #5 Utah the outside shot of earning a spot in the National Championship game is still a possibility. I’m sold on Oregon, but not as much on Auburn. While Cam Newton is a special talent I’m not sure they are the complete team that can run the table to the title game.

My Top 5 1) Oregon 2) Auburn 3) TCU 4) Boise St 5) Alabama…Heisman Top 3 1) Cam Newton 2) LaMichael James 3) TCU Defense…Oregon all white with silver shoes

Thoughts for The Road: Texas Rangers are done stick a fork in ’em…TSU Tigers get another W…next two weeks are big with games against Southern and Grambling…Got the late night games in softball tonight so I’m out to watch my Texans while I can

Deuce Woods

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The Wrap Up 10/15 Weekend

Doesn’t look like the Cowboys will be the first team to play in the Super Bowl in their home stadium.

America’s Team is looking more like that other in Dallas that makes its home in the Highland Park area (had to take that shot SMU…I’m a Frog)…but seriously how can a team with all that talent be a 1-4 ball club at this point…Easy…no discipline. Penalties and lack of focus have been the problems for the Cowboys all season and will continue to be as long as Wade Phillips continues to take the laid back approach with the team. While one Texas team is struggling the other is giving its fans heart attacks week after week. The Texans showed a lot of heart coming back from 10 points down in the 4th qtr. to defeat the KC Chiefs. As much as I want the see the Texans continue to win football games, I don’t think it will be possible unless the defense gets its act together, which will be even harder with the loss of leader DeMeco Ryans. Kevin Kolb is trying to earn his job back as the starter for the Eagles…I still believe you have to start Michael Vick when he is healthy because he brings another element to the game the opposing team will have to account for which even deadlier with the ability Vick has shown passing the ball this season. Will somebody please stop the Steelers James Harrison before he kills somebody out there…These helmet to helmets hits are no joke…Also in that game I was impressed with the performance of Colt McCoy in his first NFL start.

Is the #1 ranking in the 2010 season the #2 ranking of the 2007 season. The #1 team has now lost two weeks in a row leaving Oregon as the new #1 in the polls. However, the Oklahoma Sooners are the #1 team in the initial BCS Rankings. The Sooners have a tough test on the road this week when they travel to Colombia to take on the Mizzou Tigers. I’ve tried not to let my bias show in this blog and I’m going to continue to that, but that is two weeks in a row TCU has been jumped in the polls. This a team that has given up 3 pts. over the past 3 weeks, but I move on. Cam Newton is a beast plain and simple. Nobody that size should be able to move that fast and that smooth. However, I’m still not sold on Auburn until they can prove they can stop somebody. Right now they’re leaning too much on Newton to get them out of jams. Auburn plays LSU this weekend in an important game for both as it will go a long way in determining the SEC West Champion. I looking forward to see if Newton will hit a wall at some point or continue his superior play.

My Top 5 1. Oregon 2. Boise St. 3. TCU 4. Oklahoma 5. Auburn…Game of the Week…Arkansas-Auburn…Player of the Week…Cam Newton…Heisman 1) Newton 2) LaMichael James 3) TCU Defense…Uniforms of the Week…TCU Horned Frogs.

I want to take a moment to send my prayers to the Rutgers football player who suffered a horrific injury this weekend and is paralyzed from the neck down.

Thoughts For the Road: Tom Brady…pay your fare and cut your hair…I lost a part of my college experience this weekend with the closing of Snookies Bar & Grill in Fort Worth…Many of drunken nights in that establishment.

Deuce Woods

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The Wrap Up Week of 10/9

It was bound to happen soon enough. With 17 unbeaten teams headed into the weekend in college football, there had to be some shake up sooner or later. Also, in the grown men league the ’72 Dolphins got a chance to pop the champagne kind of early this year as the last unbeaten was taken down this week.

In a 16 game season I expect every team in the NFL to come out and produce one dud game a season and I’m hoping today was the Houston Texans. The Giants were up 21-0 on the good guys before most were able to out of their church attire and sit in front of the TV. I don’t have much to say about the game because the Texans didn’t do anything well, but what I will say is we made Hakeem Nicks family pretty happy today. I’m also starting to think we should have drafted Kyle Wilson with our first round pick. How bout the Lions putting up 44 points. I understand they put them up on the Rams, but hey they’re still the Lions…The Cowboys are going to have a hard time making the playoffs…Also Vince Young remains undefeated in the state of Texas during his time in the NFL…Way go to Texans…What is going on with the Bengals…They are find ways to lose games…Back to Back big weeks from Ced Benson and TO, but yet back to back losses to lesser teams…Carson Palmer is not helping the cause at all…This will be John Fox’s last season in Carolina…Don’t look now, but the Raiders are serious playoff contendors…they need to have a healthy Darren McFadden though if they are to make it…The Packers offense has not been living up to the preseason hype and it may be without one of its best weapons for awhile…Hope its nothing serious for J-Mike Finley.

Down goes Frazier Down goes Frazier…That is what it felt like when word started to spread around Amon G. Carter stadium in Fort Worth when word got out that Alabama had fallen to South Carolina. Stephen Garcia played the game of his life and Alshon Jeffrey made a statement that AJ Green is not the only superior WR in the SEC. The biggest kudos however goes to the Gamecocks defense that shutdown the vaunted Bama running game. Even with the loss, Bama will still have a shot at the national title if it wins out and is SEC Champion based solely on the perception of the conference. Speaking of the SEC…the last two minutes of LSU football is must watch TV…you never know what you may see…say what you want about Les Miles…He wins ball games…even if they are in a crazy manner. Michigan St. got a big win on the road this weekend over rival Michigan. The Spartans were able to limit the big plays of Wolverines QB Denard Robinson and force him into making mistakes. Lookout for the Spartans to be a factor all season. Florida State made a big statement by going on the road and putting a whoopin’ on The U. The Noles dominated the line of scrimmage and rushed for close to 300 yards and were able to control the game on the ground. The Noles look be headed in the right direction. Stanford pull out a dramatic win on USC at home on a walk off field goal…I hate to say it but Andrew Luck looked like another Stanford QB driving his team down the field for a game winning score…the flip side of that is Monte Kiffin’s USC defense is not playing like the Kiffin defenses we grew accustom to watching with the Tampa Bay Bucs. I’m looking forward to seeing how Texas will come out next week after the week off when they take on the Nebraska Cornhuskers…Could Mack Breezy really lose 3 in a row?

Top 5 1) Ohio St. 2) Oregon 3) Boise St. 4) TCU 5) Bama…I still think Alabama is one of the top 5 teams in the country…As I stated before the UT-Nebraska game is important may change my view on them and OU. Heisman…Pryor, Luck, Robinson, Mallet…Player of the Week…Stephen Garcia…Game of the Week…LSU-Florida…Uniforms of the week…Oregon Ducks

Thoughts for the Road: TCU and TSU both got W’s this weekend so I’m a happy man…Lots on my DVR I need to watch before I fall asleep so I’m out.

Deuce Woods

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I’m Going Home Again

The Yankees aren’t the only main attraction rolling into the Twin Cities this weekend. Randy Moss was traded back to the, Minnesota Vikings, the team that made him a first-round pick in 1998. Moss’ return gives the much-needed deep threat they’ve been missing with the injury to Sidney Rice. Moss will make the opposing defenses respect the Vikings vertical passing game and allow things to open up some for Adrian Peterson in the running game. During his first tenure with the Vikings, Moss was arguably the best receiver in the NFL. Teaming with Cris Carter and Jake Reed during his rookie season, Moss and the gang instantly became one of the most productive receiving corps. Moss set a rookie record for touchdown receptions. Now paired with one of the most productive quarterbacks in the history of the game, the Vikings could become the clear front-runner in NFC, where not clear-cut contender has emerged. The bigger story in this whole situation to me is, how the Patriots continue to their unwillingness to pay proven veteran players…well with the exception of Tom Brady of course. From Asante Samuel to Richard Seymour, the Pats as an organization have made it clear they don’t care what you have done for them in past, they’re not going to give the big contract with guaranteed money that many players are after. That’s all well and good for the Patriots if that’s what they want to do, but in case they haven’t noticed they haven’t brought home the Lombardi Trophy in half a decade. Bill Belichick and Robert Kraft may want to quit living in their past success and start shelling out some cash to keep some of their superior players on the roster.

As I’m writing this Roy Halladay is attemping to throw his second no-hitter of the season in his first ever postseason start…Like I said the other day I think we can go ahead and pencil the the Phillies into the World Series now because it gets no easier tomorrow with the Wizard of Oz Roy Oswalt on the mound next for the Phils…and he’s done it Halladay has thrown a no-hitter in the postseason, his second of the season. This is what makes baseball special.

Thoughts for the Road: We’re going to get our first win in co-ed flag football tonight I can feel it…Went into our Head Basketball Coaches office for the first time today…it makes our office look like a room at the Motel 6…

Deuce Woods

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Who Gon Check Me Boo?

Yes, Real Housewives of Atlanta starts back up tonight and I’m looking forward to it…don’t judge me please. NeNe, Kim, She’ree, Kandi they’re all pure entertainment.

The Major League Baseball playoffs are set. While there is clear-cut favorite in the National League the American League is wide open. In the NL the Phillies are clearly the team to beat. With a rotation of Halladay, Oswalt and Hammals…it’s going to be tough for any team to take down the Phils. If any team in the NL is capable of doing it it’s the San Francisco Giants. The Giants boast a pretty impressive set of arms themselves in Tim Lincecum and Matt Cain. They also have leading Rookie of the Year candidate Buster Posey in the middle of the lineup. I just think the experience and power bats of the Phillies will be too much. In the AL the Tampa Bay Rays come in with the best record and the home field advantage, only problem is they may be facing the best pitcher in this year’s postseason. Cliff Lee, was dominate in last year’s playoff with the Phillies and won the only game for the Phils in last year’s World Series. The key to this series will be the health of the team’s two stars. Evan Longoria for the Rays and Josh Hamilton for the Rangers. Longoria missed the last two weeks of the season to rest a strained quad and Hamilton missed the better part of a month to recover from broken ribs. When all said and done I like the Rays pitching depth to win out and the Rays will move on. In the other series the Yankees face the Twins…while the Yankees starting pitching past CC Sabathia leaves something to be desired, without the bat of Justin Morneau in the lineup I don’t the Twins will have the offense to keep up with the Bombers in this series leaving the Yanks to face the Rays in the ALCS. I’ll take to Rays to advance to the World Series with a strong performance from Carl Crawford at the plate and David Price on the mound. I’ll tell you who wins the series when the time comes.

Glad to see that the Michael Vick injury was not anything that will keep him out for the year…Chuck Cecil you’ve got to learn that cameras are everywhere and can’t just flip the bird at random ask your owner Bud Adams…Sucks that the US team lost the Ryder Cup…I’m not the biggest golf fan, but I do enjoy watching anything that involves a team with USA on their chest competing against any other country…

Thoughts for the Road: Who had the dumber doping excuse?…Brian Cushing or Cantador?…I’m not upset Hightower had its 25-game district winning streak snapped…just mad it was Elkins that snapped it…J. Lo is still attractive.

Deuce Woods

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The Wrap Up Weekend of 10/2

I know I know it’s been a while since my last post. Finding the time with the new schedule and after work activities has been difficult, but I’m making a committment to myself to do better at posting on a more frequent basis. I know you’ve all heard this before, but I mean it this time. So let’s wrap up this past weekend.

NFL: The return of Donovan McNabb to Philly was a bit of let down with the injury to Michael Vick. I’m glad McNabb was able to get the victory in his return to Philly, but as a fan I wish Vick was in the whole game because I think the outcome may have been different and a lot more exciting for the viewers. Not sure what Arian Foster did to get in Gary Kubiak’s doghouse, but whatever it was I hope he doesn’t do it again because he is becoming too valuable to the Texans to be on the sideline at anytime. I was impressed with the Texans offense ability to perform without Andre Johnson in uniform. Matt Schaub is continuing to show he is moving to an elite level…I just wish he didn’t hang on to the ball so long. I hope the cold tubs are ready at the Ravens and Steelers athletic facilities. Those two teams are by far the most physical teams in the league. Big win for the Ravens in the division. Bad loss for the Bengals within the division on the other hand. They finally get production out of Carson Palmer, but the defense is unable to stop Seneca Wallace and the Browns offense. The Colts are 0-2 in the AFC South…that’s big news. Can the Detroit Lions get any closer to winning games without actually winning them…man they have some bad luck…Charles Woodson would like to remind everyone living on Revis Island that he was the Defensive Player of the Year last season as he returned his 10th INT for a TD today. Who said LT was done?…

College FB: Oregon can put up points and they can put them up in a hurry. Down 21-3 to Stanford at one point…the Ducks stormed back to win 52-31. What’s so impressive about it is they never stressed and made the comeback look easy against a good Stanford team. Alabama is a couple of steps of above the rest of the college football. Yes, this is not the same Florida teams of the past few years, but they are making top 10 teams look like Division II schools. Not saying they won’t lose this season, but I’m not seeing where it is going to happen on paper at the moment. The Longhorns gave the game to Oklahoma by shooting themselves in the foot with silly penalties that kept OU drives alive that led to Touchdowns. The Horns also have to Gucci (Garret Gilbert) do what he does best and that’s throw the football. I’m not too much worried about the defense because I believe they will get their act together, but UT has too much talent to not be putting more points on the board. Will anybody be able to stop Denard Robinson this year? Big bounce back game for Jake Locker to go on the road have a good game and beat at USC team with a well-respected NFL D-Coordinator at the controls.

Looking forward to next week’s Florida St.-Miami game. Both teams are at 4-1 and I’m expecting to game to look similar to the minor league NFL games they used to look like when both teams were on top of the college football world.

Player of the Week…LaMichael James and Denard Robinson…Game of the Week…Texas A&M-Oklahoma St….Uniforms of the Week…Colorado Buffs Throwbacks…My Top 5 1) Bama 2) Ohio State 3) Oregon 4) Boise St. 5) TCU…Heisman 1) Denard Robinson 2) Terelle Pryor 3) LaMichael James

Thoughts for the Road: Frogs moved to 5-0! TSU Tigers got a victory to move to 2-1 in the SWAC!…The Chicago Bears need to call my boy Herb Taylor ASAP to block for them…The Pearland football players shouldn’t be punished for their parents stupidity.

Deuce Woods

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The Wrap Up – Weekend of 9/18

I know I’ve been quite bad on the blog entries lately. I’m trying to get into a routine with the new job and after work activities to get better and I promise I will. So let’s get to this weekend of football.

The Texans strike again…another big win for the Texans as they go on the road and beat the Redskins after being down by 17 points. Matt Schaub showed why he is one of the better QBs in the league and Andre Johnson showed why he may be the best player in the league at any position. The secondary is still an area of concern for me and needs to be resolved quickly. Tip of the cap to Michael Vick for his performance in his first start since the 2006 season. Vick has deal with a lot from the public and the media and he has taken it in stride and has people talking about his on field play again and not his off field misjudgments. Impressed with how both the Jets and Bengals bounced back from week 1 losses to beat two of the better teams in the leagues. How bout dem Cowboys…yeah how bout ’em.

 This was supposed to be a pretty boring week of college football with only one game matching up ranked teams…well turns out that wasn’t the case. The Michigan St.-Notre Dame OT thriller was something out of a Hollywood movie script. It takes a lot of guts to make that kind of call at the end of game with so much on the line, but it worked out great for coach Dantonio and his Spartans…(Sidenote: prayers go out to coach Dantonio who suffered a heart attack after the game, but is expected to make a full recovery). The Arizona-Iowa game, the game between the two ranked teams, was very similar to the Texans-Redskins game except the team that got out the big lead hung on for the win. This was a big win the Wildcats as they move forward into conference play it what looks to be a very competitive Pac-10. What Oregon is doing to teams right now should be against the law…Welcome back Mark Ingram…Jeremy Kerley is fun to watch…Tough luck for UH losing both starting QB Case Keenum and his backup for the season…oh well haha…Garrett Gilbert had his first rough outing of the season, but with that defense it doesn’t really matter…If you would’ve taken that 3.5 million Kyle Parker you wouldn’t have to worry about kickers missing FGs in OT…Keep an eye out for Stanford. 

Top 5: 1. Bama 2. Ohio St. 3. Boise St. 4. TCU 5. Oregon…Player of the Week…LaMichael James Oregon RB…Game of the Week Michigan St-Notre Dame…Unis of the Week…TCU all black.

Thoughts for the Road…I have the most dysfunctional group of friends ever…but I wouldn’t replace them for anybody else…The Great Burger from Charley’s Hamburger’s in Fort Worth is heaven on earth…

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